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iNnovative decision-making tool for defining the most sUitable manure management sTRategies to achieve a sustaInable livestock farming sysTem durIng the whole ValuE chain

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NUTRITIVE month 6 consortium meeting

NUTRITIVE month 6 consortium meeting

NUTRITIVE consortium meeting Last Wednesday, 27th November, the follow-up meeting of the project corresponding to the 6th month of implementation was held. During the meeting, the actions carried out so far in the different work packages were reviewed and the work to...

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Poster at the 4th IWA-YWP

Poster at the 4th IWA-YWP

Poster presentation at the 4th IWA-YWP conference AINIA presented a poster about the NUTRITIVE project at the 4th IWA-YWP Spanish National Conference. The 4th IWA-YWP Spain National Conference organized by the state network of Young Water Professionals (YWP) Spain in...

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Application of mathematical modelling in NUTRITIVEThe Technical University of Delft (TU DELFT) presented the application of mathematical modelling of microbial ecological systems in the framework of the NUTRITIVE project at the 13th European Conference on Mathematical...

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EU-China Project Initiative

EU-China Project Initiative

International cooperationChina and the EU, the two biggest food producers in the world, join their forces in the NUTRITIVE project with the aim of achieving a sustainable agriculture in line with the EU-China Food, Agriculture and Biotechnology (FAB) Flagship...

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