

iNnovative decision-making tool for defining the most sUitable manure management sTRategies to achieve a sustaInable livestock farming sysTem durIng the whole ValuE chain

join the movement

Together we have the power to impact our future, so let’s do something about it!

Identifying European Partnerships is an integral part of Horizon Europe’s strategic planning process.

Our collaborative efforts will focus on creating synergies and boost the relations of NUTRITIVE partners from farmers to technology developers across the value chain stakeholders and the public and private institutions related to it, including the stakeholder network entities.


Related Projects

Here you can find some other projects that are aligned with our aims and main objectives:






Join our community

Within the framework of NUTRITIVE Project, we have the objective to interact with different stakeholders (livestock farmers, policy makers, scientific community, industry, developers, etc.) who are interested in the project activities and outcomes.

If you want receive all our updates or become a stakeholder, please make us know at

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Grant agreement No. 10113540

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