iNnovative decision-making tool for defining the most sUitable manure management sTRategies to achieve a sustaInable livestock farming sysTem durIng the whole ValuE chain
Our Top Priorities
Understand manure management practices and their environmental impacts in different countries.
Soil Fertility
Provides essential nutrients avoiding biodiversity soil problems.
Odor Control
Reduction of harmful gas contaminants emissions.
prevent pollution
Avoid contamination of surface and groundwater.
Main Objectives
Proper manure management is crucial for agricultural sustainability and environmental protection.
The NUTRITIVE project aims to address existing challenges by developing a decision-making tool capable of defining the most efficient and sustainable manure management strategy for a given livestock farm. This tool will consider environmental, economic, and social aspects to minimise atmospheric emissions and ensure soil and water quality. The results obtained will allow for the formulation of guidelines and technical recommendations focused on the development of future European policies on manure management.
Environmental Impacts
More than 1.4 billion tons/year of manure are generated in the EU and UK and re-applied to soils with potential harmful effects
Essentially, all life depends upon the soil.
There can be no life without soil and no soil without life; they have evolved together.

Grant agreement No. 10113540
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